Friday, August 7, 2009

My Mom's Birthday

I went and had lunch with my mom for her birthday. She is 86 today. My dad turned 87 last Friday. Their birthdays are 1 year and 1 week apart, which makes them both LEO's.

My mom goes to swimming exercises as many days a week as she can, breakfast with one group of friends, once a week. Then she also has lunch with another group of friends once a week. She has a sewing club that she goes to on Tuesdays. She has her hair done every week. She knits and works crossword puzzles. She keeps up with everybody that used to live in the small town that we grew up in. She was raised 9 miles South of Enid and then married my dad and moved to the town that he was raised 15 miles west of Enid. In 1972 they moved to Enid. They used to spend their winters in Scotsdale AZ until the trip was too much for them. So she has alot of friends in AZ that she keeps up with. She used to have a swimming exercise group there as well.

It's good to still have both of my parents. I love them very much!

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