Saturday, August 1, 2009

Top 10 Signs You Need The Best Moisturizer

Number 10:
If your face looks like you fell asleep with your cheek on a corduroy pillow, but you didnt... You need to shop for the best moisturizer.

Number 9:
If you need a Q-tip to clean out the wrinkles on your neck... You need to shop for the best moisturizer.

Number 8:
If you went to the zoo with your daughter, and the zoo keeper thanked her for returning the missing iguana lizard... You need to find the best moisturizer.

Number 7:
If your neighbor's Shar Pei dog looks at YOU funny... You need to go get the best moisturizer.

Number 6:
If you forehead looks like a pack of hot dogs... You need help.. and you need to get the best moisturizer.

Number 5:
If when the wind blows, your face whistles... You need to get the best moisturizer you can afford.

Number 4:
If you wash your face in the sink, and no water makes it to the basin... You guessed it, you need the best moisturizer.

Number 3:
If a SAND DUNE puts on moisturizing cream when YOU go to the beach... You need a good moisturizer.

Number 2:
If you went to the beautician, and she suggested a brown bag on your head... It might be time for the best moisturizer.

Number 1:
You already know.. if you were laughing at the earlier 9 reasons, because you can RELATE to them... congratulations, you need the best moisturizer.

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