Every year the Expat's in India have a Thanksgiving dinner. We try to work with the ingredients that we have here to make it is authentic as possible.
This year Marsha and Bill had offered to let us use their flat. It was very nice. Plenty of seats and a great dining room for serving. It was sit up as a guest house. 12 people joined us for the Thanksgiving in India dinner.
We had several shopping trips out to find stuff that we needed. We never did find brown sugar, coconut, marshmellows (what's Thanksgiving without marshmellows on the sweet potatoes) and countless other things.

So the stuffing was made from scratch down to the drying the bread and fresh spices from India. I had 1 box of jiffy corn mix, but at least we had 1. The dressing was awesome.
Marsha a job well done!I took most of my kitchen over to Marsha's to prepare for our Expat dinner. We worked and laughed all day. We had purchase two turkey's from Mumbia.

Our biggest surprise came when Bill got the turkeys out of the refrigerator.
When Marsha had checked the turkeys a day before the dinner, to see if they had thawed out, she had called and said "They have feet on them".
There are alot of people that eat the feet. So it didn't seem to strange.

So when we went to unpackage them.
Under their wing was their head.
What an unexpected surprise.
We said this is not a "Butterball"!
So we worked on getting the heads and feet removed from the turkey's.

This is a picture of the turkey's before we started cleaning it up ready to cook.
Not alot of fat on this turkey. The skin was tough. We put one turkey into a large toaster oven, and the other we cut and put into a pressure cooker. It didn't matter which one, they were both a little tough.

Bill helped us with the turkey's, so that they looked like normal turkeys like when we get them in the US.
Bill a job well done. You were so much help!We couldn't have done it without you.
We had plenty of turkey. It was a little tough but it sure tasted good. The menu was Turkey, dressing, giblet gravy, I had shipped over cranberry sauce, so we had all the basics.
The rest of the menu was sweet potato souffle (since no marshmellows), green beans, broccoli, potato salad, deviled eggs, rice, cucumber and tomato salad, hot rolls, I made two pumpkin pies and we made an apple pie.

Bill and I carving the turkeys. It took two of us. One to hold the pan so that it would go off the counter and one to cut.

Stirring the dressing! We had alot of fun preparing this dinner. It was quite a challenge.

Ben Made a Chocolate cake all by himself. He was so proud of that cake. He put the cake in front of him and served every piece.

Vernelle and I taking our own pictures. If you look closely we both have a camera.

And this is the picture.
Everybody said that they enjoyed the dinner. There was nothing spicey or Indian.
Marsha and I are not even getting out of bed today.