My last weekend in India.
Friday we shopped for things for the apartment. I went to Davanshi's to pick up my saree. Friday night Gijsbert and Licia came over for dinner. Bill and Marsha joined us for dessert. Reasa and a new fellow Expat joined us for drinks. It was a very nice evening.
Saturday day we shopped for things for the apartment. Saturday night was Snehal. We went to old city and saw his mother, sister, aunt and uncles. Then we went to Torfi and Helga's.
Sunday we meet Torfi and Helga and went to old city and 10 acre mall. OH YA we shopped for things for our apartment. My and my housewife cooked super together. We cannot speak to each other, she knows a little English and I know NO Gujarati but the cooking was fun.
Can't believe that it's only 5 more days. This time next week I will be with my parents in Oklahoma.
Monday we are going to the office. It will be the first day in our new office building. Pranav's birthday is tomorrow. Monday night we have dinner at Chirag and Deepa's.
Tuesday we have a "Salad Master" demonstration, with the couple of Dallas, Victor and Vivian.
Wednesday is dinner at Bill and Marsha's.
Thursday is free at this moment. But I am sure that Marsha and I will do more shopping.