We got to the fair at 10:00 am, rode as many rides as the lines would let them. Brady and Abigail had a ball. We went thru some of the buildings. Went to the pig races. Rode some more rides. NOT me, just the kids. Kati and Brandon rode a roller coaster, while I sit with the kids while they ate cotton candy.
I headed for home when they went to the VIP part of the monster truck show, where you can go and look at the trucks, take pictures and get autographs. WELL little Brady got scared. They only got 1 picture with him and the trucks. He wouldn't go near them. He then went to sleep during the show. Abigail on the other hand, had a really good time. She got all of their autographs on her hat. Got pictures sitting in the wheel of her favorite truck "BIG FOOT". The driver also took a picture with him and he signed her hat too.
They didn't get back to the house until 10:30 pm. They were all very tired. I had hot chocolate chip cookies waiting on them.
Then on Sunday when they went home, it was like SO EXTREMELY quiet that I cried. Your home is supposed to be full of life and bouncy kids. I miss them so much when they are gone.
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